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Hi :) I'm Beth and this is my children's literature blog! Here I will be talking about children's books I've been reading for class


Friday, March 1, 2013

Zen Shorts

Title: Zen Shorts
Author: Jon J Muth
Publisher: Scholastic Press

Zen Shorts by Jon Muth is a story about 3 little kids ( 2 boys and a girl) who meet a panda bear who shows up on their front door step one day. The panda, Stillwater, and the children become fast friends and Stillwater becomes a source for stories and life lessons.

In the story, each child spends their own time with Stillwater where they share their own questions, thoughts, and worries in their young lives. Each child is answered with one of StillWater's short stories that put things in perspective for them. Each short story is a kind, and thoughtful ledgend where the characters are very giving and kind to people who may not deserve it. The three stories are about giving, good and bad luck, and finally holding on to grudges.

My favorite story was the last one, told to the littlest boy about holding grudges. The boy is complaining about his older brother always telling him what to do, he remains so upset the whole day that he misses all the fun he's having with StillWater. StillWater tells him a tale of two Monks who are travelling when the come across a woman who needs help crossing the road. The first Monk carries her on his back across the road and she leaps off without so much as a thank you. The Second Monk becomes very upset by this and asks his friend why he is not more upset about her rudeness. He tells him "I put down that woman hours ago, why are you still carrying her?" I think that quote is amazing to show children that they will come across people who make them angry, but the best thing to do is to just let it go.

The illustrations in this story were also wonderful and I enjoyed all the short stories very much! I think this would be a good story to read to children of any age.


  1. I loved the monk story I just thought it was a good lesson for children, and the illustrations are incredible. Thank you for sharing this book.

  2. I still am so intrigued with this story as much as I was when you gave your book talk. I know I want to own this in my own children's book library just so I can read it to my nieces and nephews. They have a hard time with grudges so I think it would be so cool to teach them about letting go with this story! Great choice; like you said, the illustrations are beautiful. I look forward to using this book in the future!

  3. This books seems really intriguing and would really like to read it for myself. I love reading books that are about legends and I think a lot of children do as well. Looks like it would be a great book that can teach children many lessons! Great blog!
